IT Services in the Decade of Disruption
The ‘deadly’ combination of skill shortages, inflation and interest rate increases has, without doubt, an impact on support rates, and we see evidence of this – and we are just in the beginning of this cycle.
The ‘deadly’ combination of skill shortages, inflation and interest rate increases has, without doubt, an impact on support rates, and we see evidence of this – and we are just in the beginning of this cycle.
As part of any given benchmarking life cycle, we collect and obtain a myriad of market data. We churn and distill it to provide an additional layer of value for our clients. In this case, a growing trend is to look at higher-level IT information…
Most IT folk have heard of, or even have conducted a benchmark in their professional lifetime. It is even endorsed by and should complement pretty much all ITSM leading frameworks such as ITIL and COBIT…
How healthy is your IT operation? Do you really know? How do you measure its health?
An organisation that benchmarks its IT operation can: Understand its position in the market compared to…