Rate Card Analysis & Global Market Intelligence
ETBS was recently engaged by our client to compare their project resources and their rates against market competitors as part of understanding previous project bid failures; identifying how the market sells and quotes Professional Services based on…

Price Benchmark – Infrastructure Services
ETBS was engaged to undertake a formal Benchmarking engagement between an ASX200 listed business in the Industrials sector and their Service Provider. The objective being to perform a mid-contract review of a multi-million, multi-year agreement…

Cost Benchmark – Managed Infrastructure & Applications Services
ETBS were engaged to assess and benchmark the market compliance and competitiveness of a proposed 3 year transitioning to a new Managed Infrastructure and Applications service model to our client…

Price Benchmark – Managed Print Services
ETBS was engaged to undertake a formal benchmarking engagement on behalf of our client and their Service Provider, the objective being to determine market compliance of a current proposal to replace…